Cork Floor FAQs: Find Answers To All Your Concerns Regarding Cork Flooring.
Are you planning on installing cork flooring in your home or office? However, feeling a little confused and various questions are coming in your mind? Take a look at these FAQs and get answers to all your concerns. What Is Cork Flooring? Made from the bark of the cork oak tree, it is a material which is ground, processed into sheets and baked in a kiln to produce tiles. It can be used in various places such as commercial and residential, based upon an individual preference. Are Cork Tiles An Environmentally Sensitive Choice? Yes, Cork Tiles are environmentally sensitive choice as it is one of the most renewable sources for flooring. Its bark is strictly regulated and harvested into nine-year cycles. The cork oaks must be 25 years old and is harvested by hand, while ensuring its health. Will It Be Tough Enough For My Home Or Office? A major advantage of having cork flooring is its resilience to pressure and impact. As it features millions of microscopic a...